Jan 2022 Business Meeting

Looks like a fun event for a weekend! It’s at Spearhead’s trails where it’s ATV/UTV only but the fall foliage should be great this time of year too!
Great ride yesterday to Spearhead Jawbone trails. Finally the trailhead at Doran is open so it cuts off a ton of driving around to Whitewood! Met some really great folks on the trails yesterday too!
On Sunday Oct 10, 2021 at 5pm will be the next AORC Club Meeting. Location is the McCabe Odd-Fellows Lodge hall behind the Dollar General on East Main St in Abingdon!
AORC ATV/UTV/Jeep Trip to Spearhead Jawbone and Jewell Ridge trails! We will depart from the Food Country on Highway-19 in Abingdon (next to the Shell station) at 8am that morning. Hope to see everyone there!
AORC ATV/UTV Trip to Spearhead Pocahontas! We will depart from the Food Country on Highway-19 in Abingdon (next to the Shell station) at 8am that morning. Hope to see everyone there!
On Sunday July 11, 2021 from noon to 2pm we’ll have the next club meeting. Location is the McCabe Odd-Fellows lodge hall at 829 East Main St in Abingdon. It is the one-story brick building behind the Dollar General near Burger King. Please respond to the invitation with the number of people who are coming with you so we can buy the appropriate amount of food to grill out. Hope to see everyone there!
Had a great trip to Spearhead Coal Canyon in Grundy, VA on June 19th, here’s a little video from the trip!
Here’s the map of the ride also!
So one of our club members who is currently deployed and serving our country bought a brand new Rubicon Gladiator before he left. Now, we have a box trailer full of parts and accessories that he’s purchased and had shipped while he’s gone. As a thanks for his service, we’re going to get together and put all this stuff on his Jeep before he comes home! So join us if you can, many hands make light work!
Build is done, check out the video!