We’re going to head out for the Easter Weekend ATV/SxS trip on Saturday morning at 7:45 from the Food Country on Porterfield Highway in Abingdon, VA. This of course is a one-day trip since Sunday is Easter. We’ll go to either the Spearhead Mountain View or the Spearhead Coal Canyon trail system for the day. Join on the forum discussion at http://www.4wheelingcentral.com/forums/topic/easter-weekend-atv-sxs-ride/ and also on the club Facebook page.
Author Archives: Appalachian Off-Road Club
AORC Facebook Page
Here is the link for the club Facebook page for those of you who didn’t have it:

March 2018 Club Meeting
The next AORC club meeting will be held on Sunday March 25, 2018 at 5:00pm. Location is Shoney’s Restaurant in Abingdon, VA. Hope to see everyone there!
2017 Christmas Party
The 2017 Christmas Party will be on Saturday December 30, 2017 at Jon Cumbow’s house in Abingdon. Just BYOB, a snack tray (or similar) and a $20 gift if you’re doing the Chinese gift exchange! Hope to see everyone there!
October 21, 2017 Harlan, KY Trip
We are going to Harlan on October 21, 2017. Meeting at 7:30am at the Valero station next to the Pinnacle (the old Hambino’s Pizza joint) off I-81 exit 74. Go to the forum and get involved in the discussion!
October 1, 2017 Club Meeting and Cookout
Ok, the club meeting and cookout is scheduled for Sunday October 1, 2017 at Jon Cumbow’s house in Abingdon. Add it to your calendars! We’ll contact everyone in advance (or post to the forum) if you’re going to make and and how many guests to expect so we can get the right amount of food!
Horse Creek September 17, 2017
We’re doing the run to Horse Creek on September 17, this is a truck/Jeep/ATV event. We’re going to meet at the old Hambino’s restaurant (next to the Valero) off I-81 Exit 74 at 9am to head out. Hope to see everyone there!
August 5-6, 2017 Windrock ATV/SxS Trip
Time to start planning for the August trip, it’ll be here quickly! I know for sure of 4 people going, head over to the Forums and join in on the discussion!
July 16 Shop Day
Going to work on Sunday July 16, 2017 to try and get Taz’s Jeep back together again. Start time is 8am…hope to have a good turnout, we need at least 3-4 people at a minimum to wrestle the axles and such!
July 2017 Club Meeting
There will be a Club meeting on July 9th 5pm at Moondog in Abingdon. Check the discussion in the forum for more details!